April 22
Failing to heed my own advice and believing a weather forecast of partly cloudy, an attempt was made to ski corn in Dry Creek(backside of Red Pine). Finding the snow hard at 9 am, cloudy skies and a lack of desire to wait, we bailed.
Not done yet, started over in Butler Fork. Good corn was found on east facing 8500' at 1 pm, but a little late to continue towards Gobblers and Raymond.
The second tour did allow a good view of Broads. Since avalanche activity is limited to new snow sluffs and has been for the majority of winter, I'm very interested in how the glide progresses as temperatures warm and May approaches.
Photos are not the best, taken in flat light at 200mm.
Glide on the looker's left shoulder continues, spreading and opening. A view from April 18th, better photo and up close. The middle glide in Bonkers, also continues movement.
Blue ice
Show's movement increasing and widening. A link to the April 18 field observation may be of interest.
Flat broke from a winter of living on savings and a few donations (much appreciated) will limit further observations. Hopefully, I can follow the progression till release or melt off.
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